We're radically retro, fabulously funky, and anything but boring!!
Membership Information
Membership into the Krewe of Retro Renegades is currently open, and if you're ready to become a part of our crazy Krewe family, we would love to have you join us. Simply contact us at kreweofretrorenegades@gmail.com.
Please note that all applicants must be 21 years of age or older.
Initial Krewe membership dues are $350.00, which includes both your application fee and first year dues, and annual membership renewals are $300.00.
Membership into the Krewe of Retro Renegades entitles you to all the benefits and perks of being a member, including but not limited to:
Transportation to/from parade staging areas (for most parades)
Admission into the pre-parade staging area
Participation in all KRR approved parades
Food, water, soda, and libations at all parades